We are human beings who enjoy the privilege of science, from washing machines to airplanes, phones… Although science has constantly been challenged a lot, the word “science” was coined only in 1838. Before that, there was no word “science” or “scientist”. Even Newton, a great scientist, was once known as the national philosopher – a philosopher of nature.
So what is science? Which science is true? Which science is pseudoscience? Is reality independent or established? How does science approach reality? Is science the best way to understand the universe?
The talk with Dr. Nguyen Huu Liem will answer those questions as well as give an overview of the history of Western European philosophy of science from Pythagoras, Aristotle to Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend and the schools of realism – which are very hot topics nowadays.
To know more about the Internal Talk Series among DBA Interiors and Ex Libris Hermes (Thư Hiên Dịch Trường), please visit: https://en.exlibrishermes.com/talks